To simulate a Sand Bloom crossbreed, select the strain of the bulbs that will go in the left and right splits below and click Generate. Select strain "Other" to input the genome directly (e.g. to cross player-made strains). The simulator will generate a list of possible child genomes, with or without mutations (duplication or subtraction of a gene at the splice point). After doing the actual crossbreed and planting your Sand Bloom, you can compare (visually and/or testing) to the generated table to determine which genome(s) match your new Sand Bloom strain to target further crossbreeding.
NOTE: This tool uses NEW (T8) gene color codes. Start/End genes (R) are optional. See Flower Genome Theories at the ATITD Wiki for details on ATITD Sand Bloom genomes. The details there as well as the other Genetics Guides are the basis for how this simulator interprets genomes to generate these data tables.
If you find this tool useful and want to show your appreciation, I can always (at least for some time) use more Nut's Essence, Khefre's Essence, Geb's Tears, and Revelation Solvents (or mats to make them). :)